According to US News and World Report, "Despite all the hype surrounding hybrid and electric cars, some people just aren’t buying it. According to a new study, “some people” are most consumers."
That really doesn't cut it with me. Despite the hype and the hysteria surrounding the sales of hybrids, most people don't take into account hybrid car costs. But even though hybrid cars and SUVs are still luxury items, over 1% of the US market comes from Prius sales.
Let me repeat that in a slightly different way: 1 out of every 100 cars sold is a Prius.
There are very few cars that can say they make up such a large percentage of US consumers. There are even fewer luxury cars that even come close to it. Other hybrid cars aren't as fuel efficient, aren't as inexpensive and just plain aren't as good as the Prius. Which is why the Prius still dominates the hybrid car market place.
In the same article, JD Powers and Associates predicts that by 2020, over 7 percent of the passenger vehicles sold will be hybrids. Do you know of any other luxury option that will be doing as well?
Do We Really Want Green Cars
Oleh Unknown
Ditulis Oleh : Unknown ~ DosoGames

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